trends in online education

Five trends in online education

By Morten Flate Paulsen In Reflections after 25 years with online teaching I wrote about some of the long time trends in online education. In such a long perspective, the following five developments are promising, but immature. One important challenge is how learning providers could develop sustainable business models to maintain these services as an […]

Advisory Board Mandate

Advisory Board Mandate

Advisory Board Mandate Which words would you like to highlite in this preliminary version of: Campus NooA’s Advisory Board Mandate? NooA’s mission is to provide quality online education that creates sustainable value, public awareness and footprints to follow. The International Advisory Board should therefore consist of members that have special qualifications to pursue the mission […]

Online education books

Reflections after 25 years with online teaching

During the fall of 1987, I developed and taught my first online course for NKI Nettstudier. As far as I know, it was the very first online distance education course in Europe. To celebrate the 25th aniversary, we have now scanned and uploaded the first English report Torstein Rekkedal and I wrote about our pioneering […]

Holiday card - seasons greetings

Seasons greetings 2012

Seasons greetings to colleagues and friends as we prepare for the holidays 🙂 Dear Colleagues and Friends, We wish you a Happy Holiday and a Fruitful New Year Thank you for all help and support in our first, exciting year when we succeded in establishing: Campus NooA The international Learning Mall for Online Courses […]

Online education books

Refleksjoner etter 25 år som nettlærer

Av Morten Flate Paulsen Høsten 1987 utviklet og underviste jeg det første nettkurset på det som etter hvert ble NKI Nettstudier. Så vidt vi vet var dette det aller første nettkurset for fjernstudenter i Europa, og for å markere 25-årsjubileet, har vi skannet alle de fire rapportene Torstein Rekkedal og jeg skrev om vår pionervirksomhet […]

Rådgivende organ - advisory board

Advisory Board

The international advisory board consists of experts representing education, environmental issues, art, litterature, public awareness, social awareness, technology and social media. Mandate for the Advisory Board NooA’s mission is to provide quality online education that creates sustainable value, public awareness and footprints to follow. The International Advisory Board should therefore consist of members that have […]

My Favourite Campus - NooA nyhedsbrev

NooA Nyhedsbrev på dansk, Desember 2012

NooA Nyhedsbrev I dette nummer av NooA Nyhedsbrev Leder: NooAs aktiviteter i Danmark FLUID – Foreningen for Fleksibel Uddannelse i Danmark introducerer skrivekurser på norsk og engelsk Første danskere i gang med netlærercertifikat fra NooA Moodle i Danmark Open Educational Resources (OER) i Danmark The Mall Leder: NooAs aktiviteter i Danmark I dette første […]

NooA Nyhetsbrev - My Favourite Campus

NooA Nyhetsbrev på norsk, Desember 2012

I dette nummeret av NooA Nyhetsbrev Leder: NooAs aktiviteter i Danmark FLUID – Foreningen for Fleksibel Uddannelse i Danmark introduserer skrivekurs på norsk og engelsk Første danske i gang med nettlærersertifikat fra NooA Moodle i Danmark Open Educational Resources (OER) i Danmark The Mall Leder: NooAs aktiviteter i Danmark I dette første nummeret av […]

Favourite Campus - NooA News

NooA News, December 2012

In this issue Editorial: NooA’s online education activities in Denmark FLUID – Foreningen for Fleksibel Uddannelse i Danmark introduces writing courses in English and Norwegian The first Dane enrolled in Certificate in Online Teaching Moodle in Denmark Open Educational Resources (OER) in Denmark The Mall Editorial: NooA’s online education activities in Denmark In this […]

Pedro Fernández

Partner en español: Pedro Fernández

Mail: LinkedIn Después de más de 20 años de experiencia en la enseñanza del alemán como lengua extranjera a estudiantes españoles y catalanes en el área de Barcelona, empecé a desarrollar un fuerte interés en las posibilidades de Internet en el contexto de la enseñanza y el aprendizaje, especialmente motivado por las posibilidades de […]


La mission de NooA

La mission de NooA est de fournir une éducation de qualité qui crée des valeurs durables, capture l’intérêt public et laisse des traces à suivre. Le but de NooA  est de devenir un Centre d’Apprentissage international pour des cours en ligne. Cela veut dire que nous travaillons au développement d’une communauté d’apprentissage multilinguistique qui : […]

NooA klosser - Historien bak Campus NooA

Historien bak Campus NooA

Den originale historien bak Campus NooA Av Morten Flate Paulsen NooA kom til meg i en forfallen, amerikansk antikvitetssjappe i mai 2012. Der, mellom bruksgjenstander, barndomsminner, antikviteter og skrot, åpenbarte det seg fire treklosser som klart og tydelig forkynte det fargerike ordet NooA. Etter å ha vist klossene til hotellansatte og servitører fra flere land, […]

Mission, aims and values

Mission, aims and values

NooA’s mission is to provide quality online education that creates sustainable value, public awareness and footprints to follow. NooA’s aim is to become an international Learning Mall for Online Courses. This means that it works to develop a multilingual learning community which: is an attractive partner for individuals and businesses that develop, translate and sell […]


Dansk forfatterskole til Norge introducerer norske og engelske skrivekurser på NooA Lars Rudolf Stadil er dansk forfatter med doktorgrad i filosofi. Han er en af grundlæggerne af og medlem af NooAs Advisory Board. Han fortæller, at og NooA har underskrevet en samarbejdsaftale om at tilbyde netbaserede skrivekurser på norsk og engelsk. Han tilføjer, at norske og […]

NooA klosser

About NooA

NooA was named during a pit stop at an Up State New York antique shop. There, among artifacts, antiquities, junk and childhood treasures, suddenly appeared some wooden alphabet blocks that load and clear spelled out the colorful word NooA. Showing the blocks to people from various countries, I realized that they could easily pronounce and […]

Morten Flate Paulsen

NooA – the Nordic open online Academy

NooA was named during a pit stop at an Up State New York antique shop. There, among artifacts, antiquities, junk and childhood treasures, suddenly appeared some wooden alphabet blocks that load and clear spelled out the colorful word NooA. Showing the blocks to people from various countries, I realized that they could easily pronounce and […]

Maria João Spilker

Português partner: Maria João Spilker

Mail: LinkedIn A minha carreira profissional começou na década de 90 a quando do término da minha licenciatura em Gestão de Empresas pela Universidade Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, em Francoforte, Alemanha, com especialização em Informática Aplicada à Gestão. Durante mais de 10 anos colaborei com várias instituições, principalmente no Volkshochschule Frankfurt, como formadora freelancer […]